Oct 10, 2019
Sara Wilbur, Executive Director
Grand River Conservation Foundation

Founded in 1965, the Grand River Conservation Foundation (GRCF) channels donations from individuals, foundations, groups and businesses to Grand River Conservation Authority projects.

More than $13 million has been raised to educate kids about the outdoors, restore vital wetlands that cleanse our water, provide habitat that promotes wildlife diversity and offer opportunities for people to simply enjoy their natural world.

The Grand River and its tributaries support one million people. In the coming years, that population is predicted to increase dramatically. As we contemplate this growth, we must also consider the best way to maintain the balance between human prosperity and the health of our natural systems for the long-term sustainability of our people, wildlife, lands and most of all, our water.

Our goals are to:

  • empower the GRCA to achieve conservation results through recreation, education, and restoration,
  • engage donors to support health and prosperity within the Grand River watershed, and
  • develop a sustainable community for future generations